
WELCOME ♥ 2024-2025

Welcome Parents and Students!
I am looking forward to meeting all of you and exploring the wonderful world of art and literature by delving into the various realms of artists, works of art, different materials, and creativity.  Words cannot contain my excitement about creating our own adventures by drawing, sketching, painting, and creating various works of art!!! This is my 18th year teaching (14 years of English) at Tison.  I also used to coach at Tison (mainly tennis) for 15 years.  When I am not at school, I play tennis, watch movies, read various books, create art, and spend time with my family (cats included!). My husband, Matt Novikoff, also works and coaches at Tison while my son, Ryan, will be turning five in January. I am so excited to be a part of your grand adventure!
Masters of Education (M. Ed.) - Secondary Education - Austin College
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major in English Language Arts -  Austin College
                                       Minor in Mathematics
EC-12 Art (TX)
EC-12 Physical Education (TX)
English Language Arts and Reading (4-8) (TX)
English Language Arts and Reading (8-12) (TX)
English as a Secondary Language (EC-12) (TX)
Communication Methods: 
I will be communicating with both you and your parents via Remind 101, email, and here.  Please pay attention to these methods of communications.
             Art - Please text @lightart to (972) 885-6304 or 81010.
Please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.  It is the fastest way to get a hold of me. I do have tutorials before school Monday through Thursdays starting at 7:30am and Fridays by appointment only.

Art Supply List 

  • Here is a list of art supplies that your student is responsible for having in class. 
  • Your child should bring a pencil, sketch pad, and colored pencils if they have any of these for the first week of school.

A Sketch Pad 9x12

2 Black Sharpies (one fine point and one ultra fine point)

Graphite Drawing Pencils (HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B)

Pencil Sharpener (metal is more durable)



1 Set of 12 Scholar Colored Pencils by Prismacolor (Crayola pencils will do in a pinch.)

1 Set of Colored Markers 

1 Set of Prang Watercolors 

1 Bag to keep all or your art supplies in  (Everything will stay in the classroom.)


Adult Scissors (optional)

A Gluestick (optional)

A composition book/Spiral notebook (optional)

Great Places to go and visit:
1) Kimbell Art Museum
2) The Modern
3) Amon Carter Museum
4) Sid Richardson Museum
Great Websites to use in and out of the classroom:
1) Newsela -  (newsela.com)  Great source for non-fiction articles.  Plus, students can work at their own reading level and change it as they progress.  It has some great articles about the arts.
2) PBS Daily News(pbs.org)
3) CNN 10 Minute News - (cnn.com) Great source to keep your kids in the know about what is going on in the world.  The videos are entertaining and ask for student participation.