Shane Smith - Principal

Shane Smith came to Weatherford ISD with experience as a middle school and high school social studies teacher, department chair, dean of instruction, associate principal, and principal. Mr. Smith also has experience as a head varsity football coach and high school athletic director. His wealth of experience as an educator and administrator makes him an excellent resource for our students and staff. Mr. Smith joined the leadership team at Tison Middle School in 2020 as Dean of Instruction. He then served as Assistant Principal before becoming the Principal at Tison Middle School.
Education Specialist (Ed.S.), K-12 School Leadership - Grand Canyon University
Master of Education (M.Ed.), Education Administration - National University
Master of Science (M.S.), Sports Management - Liberty University
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Secondary Education Social Studies - Texas Christian University
EC-12 Superintendent (TX)
EC-12 Principal (TX) 
8-12 Social Studies (TX)