Craftsmen Club » Craftsmen Club

Craftsmen Club

2024-2025 Craftsmen Club Meeting Dates & Speakers:

September - TBD
October - TBD
November - TBD
December - TBD
January - TBD
February - TBD
March - TBD
April - TBD
May - TBD
Craftsmen Club Advisor - TBD
About the Craftsmen Club:
Trace Craft passed away following a courageous battle with ALS in September of 2020. Trace was an Assistant Principal at Tison Middle School and Weatherford High School. He touched the lives of so many students and staff over the years and left a wonderful legacy at Tison.

During the summer of 2017, Trace developed a club for young men at Tison Middle School. His goal was to show the importance of dressing for success, but also to emphasize the need to be responsible and respectful. He knew that being a man of your word, being honorable with your actions, presenting yourself in a way that deserves respect, and treating a young lady in a way that would make her father proud were all things that mattered.

Originally called the Boys to Men Club, a group of young men met once per month at Tison and each Tuesday, they wore their Sunday best for Dress for Success Day.

Word of this club traveled fast and scores of young men wanted to join up. It sustained momentum throughout the year and, more and more, we had parents, grandparents, and community members calling to ask, “How can my student be a part of this movement?” or “How can I help?” School administrators across Texas called and asked permission to establish this program at their campuses. Shortly after the Boys to Men Club started, Tison added a Girls of Greatness Club.

In the fall of 2018, Tison Middle School honored Trace by announcing the boys club would now be known as the Craftsmen Club.