Gibson, Everett » Mr. Gibson's Contact Information

Mr. Gibson's Contact Information

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me using one of the methods provided below! 
Email: [email protected] (Preferred method of communication)
School Phone #: 817-598-2960 x4187
Google Voice Phone #: 817-382-7343
Remind Text Sign Up
The majority of my communication will come by way of Remind texts, so it is absolutely imperative that you sign up to receive them from me! Please text the code below which is associated with your (your child's) science class period to the number 81010. Make sure to completed each of the steps prompted of you until you receive a text confirmation that you have completely signed up. 
*Communication Policy*
If there is anything that you wish to communicate with me about (through email, remind, or a phone call), my policy is to respond within 24 hours.